- Top 5 Plastic Enclosure Manufacturers for Electronics in Indiaby Harsha HPlastic enclosures are essential for protecting and provide a form for your electronics circuits. Yet sourcing the right plastic box for your circuit PCBs is always a difficult task. This post will help you find the best enclosure direct from the manufacturer. If you are a product designer who has tried a lot of technologies… Read more: Top 5 Plastic Enclosure Manufacturers for Electronics in India
- The Best Enclosures for your Electronics Productsby PratheekImagine the perfect electronics product – you have finally got the hardware design working and may also have the best firmware, but you dont have the right enclosure to house it! The product may(will) get damaged due to water/moisture ingress, and vibrations during operation may unseat the cables and connectors, the boxes break on impact… Read more: The Best Enclosures for your Electronics Products
- GETTING STARTED WITH MICROSOFT AZURE IoTby VidwathIn this article, we will be discussing the differences between AWS IoT and AZURE IoT. We first need to understand the functionality to compare their pros and cons. PROS AWS IoT AZURE IoT A variety of analytics, connectivity, and IoT software development services. Easy to navigate development and deployment interfaces. Reliable infrastructure for easy scalability.… Read more: GETTING STARTED WITH MICROSOFT AZURE IoT
- INTERFACING ESP32 WITH MAX30102 PULSE OXIMETER WITH AWS IoTby VidwathIn this article, we will try to understand how to interface the MAX30102 sensor with the ESP32 microcontroller and publish values onto the AWS IoT cloud. Materials required: ESP32 Dev module MAX30102 breakout board Jumper wires ESP32 boards add-on Arduino IDE We’ll program the ESP32 using Arduino IDE. So, you must have the ESP32 add-on… Read more: INTERFACING ESP32 WITH MAX30102 PULSE OXIMETER WITH AWS IoT
- INTERFACING MEMS MICROPHONE WITH BLYNK IoT APPby VidwathIn this article, we’ll try to figure out how to get data from the SPH0645 MEMS microphone to the BLYNK IoT app on both desktop and mobile dashboards. From our previous article about MEMS microphones, I have given a detailed explanation on how to get the SPH0645 microphone to display the sound level of the… Read more: INTERFACING MEMS MICROPHONE WITH BLYNK IoT APP